Explore California Coastline
Here are just a few of the links we regularly use to help us decide whether or not to head to the coast. Of course, these are designed to be guides, and don't represent the exact conditions of wherever you're headed to dive. Conditions can vary from cove to cove along our coastline so it's very hard to pinpoint exactly. Feel free to give us call to check on conditions, we often have divers out who call us with conditions reports in the afternoons.Always be sure to watch the ocean for at least 15 minutes before going in. Very often, large waves come in sets with long intervals of smaller waves in between. And remember, at the first sign of trouble drop your weight belt! You will float, be more comfortable, and can assess the situation better without the weight. In almost all instances of drowning, the divers have their weight belts in place. We can always replace your weight belt, we can't replace you!